Why I Never Use A Case On My iPhone

John Sherrod
John Sherrod
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2017


This weekend some of my family members were in town to visit. My sister-in-law saw me holding my iPhone and said, “It scares me to see you holding your phone without a case.” So it seemed like a good time to write a post explaining why I do that. Let me say up front: You should probably put your iPhone in some sort of protective case. I should probably put my iPhone in some sort of protective case. But for most of my time as an iPhone user over the last decade (with a few exceptions) I’ve never used a case on my iPhones.

I remember being out to eat with some friends soon after the original iPhone debuted. I was debating what kind of case to buy for my iPhone. My friend Bran looked at me and said, “John, if you had a Porsche, would you keep it covered all the time?” Immediately I knew he was right and since then I’ve almost never had a case on any of my iPhones.

Look, what my friend said may not speak to you. But when I look at my iPhone 6S I realize that it’s one of the most beautiful objects I’ve ever possessed. It feels wrong to me for it to spend its entire time with me entombed in a case that’s not nearly as well designed. Am I taking a bigger risk of it getting damaged? You bet, and that’s why I’m not sure I would ever advise anyone else to do what I do. But I just enjoy experiencing the look and feel of the iPhone without the obstruction of some other company’s crummy case.



Journalist providing coverage and analysis of Apple and its products, services, and business. Host of the podcast Your Apple Update. Christian.